TN3270RG - TN3270 Resource Gateway


TN3270RG has been tested with Debian 3.1. It should work with other distributions, but some of the documented file locations may be incorrect and the init script may not work.


Configuration is through the %GLOBALS hash at the top of the file. All file locations should include the full path. Because passwords are contained in this file it is recommended that it be made readable only by those users that need to see it (root).

Port that you want TN3270RG to listen on.

Address (IP or host name) to forward requests to.

Port to forward requests to.

File to write log to.

File to write the PID to.

The SQL datasource. This should be in the format that DBI expects, and the first part will always be dbi:Pg. The rest is dependent on the setup. Example: dbi:Pg:dbname=tn3270rg;host=

The SQL username.

The SQL password.

To prevent accidental modification of data, TN3270RG will only replace the token specified here with the resource assigned to the connection from the pool. No other data will be modified during the forwarding process. It will also only replace that token once (which should happen at the beginning of the session when the resource name is negotiated). This should be something that is not likely to appear anywhere else. Example: !_TN3270RG_RESOURCE_!.


The program takes no arguments. When run, it will become a daemon, write its PID to the file specified in the configuration, and output important events to syslog. Upon startup it will mark all resources as available in case it was not properly shut down. It is recommended that you place the init script in the /etc/init.d folder and set it to start up some time after PostgreSQL does.


TN3270RG logs through the Unix Syslog daemon. It logs with the ident of tn3270rg to the LOG_DAEMON facility.


To shutdown, send a SIGTERM signal (a regular kill) and TN3270RG will close all connections, write a notice to Syslog that it is closing, and then exit.


TN3270RG requries a PostgreSQL database (actually it should work with most databases that have a Perl DBD). It is recommended that you create a user and database specifically for TN3270RG. The program uses only one table, which lists the resource name, IP address it has been allocated to, the time it was allocated, and when that resource was last allocated. It may be created with the PostgreSQL script below:

        CREATE TABLE "tn3270rg" (
                "resource" character varying(50) NOT NULL,
                "ip" inet,
                "time" timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now(),
                "last" timestamp with time zone,
                Constraint "tn3270rg_pkey" Primary Key ("resource")

Database disconnects

Without a good connection to the database, it is impossible for TN3270RG to allocate new sessions because it must query the resource list. However, as of version 1.1.0, it can survive a disconnection from the database and will continue to allow existing sessions to pass traffic back and forth and disconnect. New connections will be refused until a new connection can be made to the database (it will try to connect again every time a new connection is requested). When the database comes back up, the list of resources will be brought up to date and everything will continue as normal.


TN3270RG comes with an easy to use web based interface for database management and status information.


Configuration for the web interface is similar to the configuration for the main program and is through the %GLOBALS hash at the top of the file. Because passwords are contained in this file it is recommended that it be made readable only by those users that need to see it (webserver).

Absolute path to the directory containing the templates.

Path as seen by the web browser as the base directory for the HTML files.

Path as seen by the web browser for the CGI script.

Path as seen by the web browser for the CGI script.

Path as seen by the web browser for the CGI script.

Path as seen by the web browser for the CGI script.

sqldatasource, sqlusername, sqlpassword
See configuration for main program.


The TN3270RG web interface scripts were written with mod_perl in mind and will run significantly faster if used with mod_perl (but it is not required). If you use mod_perl, Apache::DBI may help performance as well.


Recommended locations for the files needed for this program.



Curtis ``Mr_Person'' Hawthorne,